Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Copies of both Fire Committee reports are available on disk from Ruston Fire Chief DonTorbet at Don's Market, 5102 N. Winnifred or in paper form at Town Hall at 5117 N. Winnifred. Please call Chief Torbet with any questions about the fire department or any fire calls at 381-1887 or email him at

The committee spent the better part of a year looking at our current fire department and how to best meet the needs of our growing community. They found we have a well-trained and skilled department that will meet our needs for at least the next 2 years. They recommend increasing department membership to 20 (already done), appoint a PR officer, consider requiring sprinkler systems in new development, start a residency program (using the house next to Town Hall), put an EMS levy out for a vote to pay for residency program and equipment upgrades.

Thank you to all the committee members who gave so much of their time and energy: Dr. Tom Ferrer (resident and trauma surgeon), Pat Piper (Bates Fire Fighting School instructor and member of Ruston Fire Department), Council member Bob Pudlo (former mayor), Bruce Allen (Ruston Fire Department), Lyle Hardin (resident and business owner), Edith Tallman (longtime resident) and Council member Wayne Stebner (resident for 4 years).

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Tuesday, November 20, 2007